Monday, February 9, 2009

Living Room Candidate

This was a very interesting ad, directed toward republicans, trying to get them to not vote for their candidate. It was a republican, explaining why he does not like the republican candidate.

His argument, as far as Ethos goes, was not as effective as his Pathos or Logos. He seemed confused and scared, but seems to be swayed easily. He does say, "maybe I'm wrong..." which would seem to build his credibility, but he does not explain it very well. He also smokes, making him seem like a real citizen with feelings and concern.

This ad was very emotional. The whole time, the man was stuttering and shifting his weight around, like he was scared and confused. In the beginning, talking about the republican candidate, he says, "this man scares me." building emotion for him. The only time he seems relaxed is when he talks about the Democratic candidate, making the watchers relaxed as well. This ad was definitely effective at its emotional appeal.

This ad's logic was so-so. The man definitely argues logically about his confusion, saying things like, "I don't understand" or "I just don't get it" following these statements he explains how it should be. He brings up points about the Republican candidate that logically do not make sense like: "if you unite behind a man and don't believe him, it's a lie" talking about the republican convention in San Francisco. I believe it was effective logically.

Overall this ad was good at tying with the viewer, making you believe him, logically laying out his argument, and making you feel that he is just like you and you should believe him.

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